Water Whispers
Welcome to the "Water Whispers" Blog.
The intention of this blog is to spread information about water and make readers participate with whatever they know about the displayed topic. I’m aware of the multiple blogs and websites covering the water issues. I’m also alert for the fact that many people out there don’t have the slightest idea of the alarming situation the water outdraws this precise moment around the entire world. For that, main reason information should be spread as much as possible everywhere.
Should We Drink Magnetized Water?
After reading a few articles here and there, I came to my own conclusion. Magnetized water is like water coming from its roots with a higher pH.
Giving such assumption it is realistic that magnetized water won’t harm anyone on the contrary it will help us get in better shape health wise.
Magnetized water has been found to contribute and help in treatment of many diseases. I found this helpful website
http://www.jonbarron.org/baseline-health-program/11-21-2005.php to better understand this process of magnetize water.
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