Photo by Nuno Manuel Baptista / In Portugal-Aveiro, "Sever do Vouga."

Water Whispers

Welcome to the "Water Whispers" Blog.
The intention of this blog is to spread information about water and make readers participate with whatever they know about the displayed topic. I’m aware of the multiple blogs and websites covering the water issues. I’m also alert for the fact that many people out there don’t have the slightest idea of the alarming situation the water outdraws this precise moment around the entire world. For that, main reason information should be spread as much as possible everywhere.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can We Save The Water

Should we be worried with the highlights of other countries about the scarcity of water? Concerned that water is no good to drink because it is polluted almost everywhere?
It seems, the ones living in developed places think that nothing wrong will come their way when talking about water.
I, on the other hand, must say that we should be worried. I know that many of you are not aware of the real situation. You might think that water won’t be a problem on your lifetime on Earth, but what about our children and the people that we love and care. And, are you sure it won’t be a problem on your lifetime?
It is sad to say what I’m about to say, but water is already a problem (scarcity and polluted) right now. Maybe the big problem of water hasn’t arrived in your country yet, however, in many countries the battle started already long time ago. Then there is the new countries facing the same problem recently.
The problem of water is like a disease, a contagious one, it will knock on every door knocking everyone down. The armor shield that you might own for problematic occasions is neither the salvation nor the solution. It is water what we are dealing with. It is life itself what we are trying to manage. Can we save the water? Can we bring back the pure water? There are so many questions to make and solutions to put into practice…

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