Photo by Nuno Manuel Baptista / In Portugal-Aveiro, "Sever do Vouga."

Water Whispers

Welcome to the "Water Whispers" Blog.
The intention of this blog is to spread information about water and make readers participate with whatever they know about the displayed topic. I’m aware of the multiple blogs and websites covering the water issues. I’m also alert for the fact that many people out there don’t have the slightest idea of the alarming situation the water outdraws this precise moment around the entire world. For that, main reason information should be spread as much as possible everywhere.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Water Gone Wild

Does water have feelings? Part I Why do hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and floods occur? Pollution? Is it really only because of pollution? More then ever before, we are being hit by tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods of all dimensions, which is blamed by the pollution circulating our planet Earth. Nevertheless, a question remains, how can pollution alone have such effect on the weather delivering a mass destruction to our environment? Is water trying to tell us something? Water does not talk, but that it is alive, it is. Water is the most powerful alive source in our planet. Water is the beginning of life and life itself! Water has neither a body nor a face maybe that’s why we have not paid much attention to the most important thing on the face of Earth!? Water is fragile as a fine crystal! We have been handling water carelessly as if it is an endlessly resource, besides treating it coldly and without any appreciation. In the book “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto, you can see the different pictures of water when expose to bad and good thoughts, words, and music. The crystals of the water when frozen reveal diverse shapes of beauty and ugly. Can it be possible that this is a message from the water letting us know something is wrong? Most likely, that’s why the weather occasionally explodes as if it is a scream of pain from the water. All I know for sure water is such a mysterious life in a whole. It is painfully sad that's getting rare to find pure water. Please fell free to comment. Let me know what you think about this topic. Your knowledge about the subject is appreciated. Thank you.

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