Photo by Nuno Manuel Baptista / In Portugal-Aveiro, "Sever do Vouga."
Water Whispers
Welcome to the "Water Whispers" Blog.
The intention of this blog is to spread information about water and make readers participate with whatever they know about the displayed topic. I’m aware of the multiple blogs and websites covering the water issues. I’m also alert for the fact that many people out there don’t have the slightest idea of the alarming situation the water outdraws this precise moment around the entire world. For that, main reason information should be spread as much as possible everywhere.
The intention of this blog is to spread information about water and make readers participate with whatever they know about the displayed topic. I’m aware of the multiple blogs and websites covering the water issues. I’m also alert for the fact that many people out there don’t have the slightest idea of the alarming situation the water outdraws this precise moment around the entire world. For that, main reason information should be spread as much as possible everywhere.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Plastic and Water
Plastic bottles are made of oil and other substances such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polycarbonate. In overtime period of time if water remains in those plastic bottles won’t that effect the water inside?
Believe it or not it does affect the water!
Harmful toxins eventually go on the loose by all the chemicals provided to manufacture the plastic bottle. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) releases chemical called antimony, as it is claimed by geochemists in Germany. (1)
I went further, looking for what antimony embodies and this is my encounter: (2)
"Uses of Antimony:
Used to harden lead alloys. Also used in solder, bearings, lead batteries, mascara, infrared detectors, plastics and chemicals. "
"Additional Notes:
Antimony used to be used to provoke vomiting, but the medical dose was too close to the fatal
dose. Small does stimulate metabolism, but large doses cause liver damage and can kill. "
Scary, I would say! Just take a look at the resourceful website.
The polycarbonate plastic bottle also releases a damaging toxin which is the chemical bisphenol A (BPA). A study made by senior investigator Karin B Michels, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and colleagues, discovered that people who drank from polycarbonate plastic bottles in a week of investigation, had two-thirds of BPA in their urine. Other concerns are that BPA has been linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes in humans, among other things. (3)
Right now you must be in a great deal of astonishment as probably some of this information was new to you. Additionally, most of these plastic bottles are not recyclable making mountains of garbage because it is indestructible material.
Somehow, all of this doesn’t make any sense. Why are we humans inventing things that are destroying us? Are there any other alternatives to hold our water safely? Of course there is.
Bottled water,
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Dangerous of Bottled Water
Do you usually buy bottled water to drink from instead of drinking the tap water from your faucet? I’m sure the reason for buying bottled water is that you think bottled water is extra clean and purify which comes straight from a spring. So many times, we hear that water faucet it’s not drinkable. The reasons are countless from broken water pipes to some bacteria that got into the water. This kind of alerts makes us buy bottled water thinking that we will be all right by doing so.
Surprise of all the surprises many of these bottles of water come straight
from tap water. According to David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding, an editor-in-chief of Men’s Health, usually tap water is subject to take products to purify it so it can be drinkable besides it has to pass strict state, federal and local guidelines; on the other hand, bottled water is not subjected to the same strict national and local standards. (1)
A 4-year study on bottled water has been made by a marketing class from Cornell University. What they found is something to be alarmed of. About 22% of bottled water brands were having more then water inside. Chemical contaminants above the normal were inside the water. (1)
Now a question is raise where do these chemical contaminants come from. Is it already in the water while is bottled or is it from the plastic container that holds the water?
For more information check here:

Bottled water,
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Should We Drink Magnetized Water?

After reading a few articles here and there, I came to my own conclusion. Magnetized water is like water coming from its roots with a higher pH.
Giving such assumption it is realistic that magnetized water won’t harm anyone on the contrary it will help us get in better shape health wise.
Magnetized water has been found to contribute and help in treatment of many diseases. I found this helpful website to better understand this process of magnetize water.
Magnetized Water,
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Some Interesting Websites
This website is about reservoir storage on the USA, with graphs
This website is about world statistics in real time
Water acording to world meters
3,857,738 - Dec. 2,2009 at 5PM - Water consumed this year (billion liters).
4,640,888 - Dec. 2, 2009 at 5PM- Deaths from water related diseases this year.
1,453,519,400- Dec, 2, 2009 at 5 PM- People with no access to safe drinking water.
Video: Gange River Pollution
A heart breaking video about the Gange River in India. These people don't have any other option besides this polluted river to bath and even drink from it. I wonder sometimes where new diseases come from, I guess I have my answer right here.
Water Scarcity / Abundant Water

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Are future wars going to be fought over water or will leaders be able to resolve conflicts as they have many times in the past?
At the pace of which the world is flowing this precise moment, thirst will drench imaginary clouds on a near future. Our future?
How can a war resist from blooming over water, when water is the fountain of life on this planet Earth? Without water, there is no life at all. We have seen countless of times animals fighting over food, which we found to be a normal process of life among the animal kingdom. As human beings, we do not differ much from the fauna. On a time of crisis, we will do whatever we can to find water to the extent of drinking dirty water. At this precise moment there are about 884 million people drinking unclean water. Some regions facing the scarcity of clean water are Sudan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Tunisia and Cuba among other developing countries. To these people polluted rivers tend to be the directly source to fetch water, which is use for other basic needs such as sanitation and waste disposal. One famous river, which is Ganges near Calcutta, is a nest of pollution. The result expose to drinking unsafe water leads to major diseases causing the death of many children under age of five.
Will leaders turn into heroes (Gods) by providing us with water only when developed countries start to feel the undesirable pain of not being able to take a shower? It is obvious that leaders are not Gods to provide water when there is none. Water is a natural resource of our planet Earth. Developed countries have abundant water at the turn of a faucet it flows gracefully through our hands or cups; as a result, many people are not aware of the implication of such luxury. The whole water itself is one; it is a cycle that flows over and over again. Pollution has brought changes in our weather; as a result, floods and drought through out the world are consistent facts as we all can see and feel.
Can leaders hold the reins of a world war over water from bursting as they have many times in the past? Wars over water have always been fought around the world as history claims. According to Martin Asser, from BBC News, yore of disagreement between Israel and Palestinians out sprout into war over water in 1967, ending after a six-day trial, yet through our current days obstacles and divergences have been occurring with those two countries with the same main problem, the water. Amid the mention countries is a list of other regions in conflict or in midst war. Many of these countries share the same river or are dependent on a neighbor country for their supply of water. Dependency on others always tends to be a burden eventually. A worldwide correspondent Venkata Vemuri, states that Turkey and Iraq, are facing a drought for several years by now with the worldwide climate change; in spite of this, Iraq complains that Turkey is not letting enough water flow to its country. Leaders are afraid of a future conflict as there are stepping in with help of the United Nations with a national water plan for Iraq.
It is ironic how our brilliant brain works leading us always to the wrong direction. Our selfishness brain tends to roll bullets of intelligence towards inventions of self-destruction. However, we have everything that we need to solve our problems including the scarcity of the number one element of life, which is our precious liquid called water. Our intelligence. Enormous amounts of resources are already out there for the solution of water scarcity; besides, there are many ways to purify the existent polluted water. Better ways and inventions will roll as time passes and experimental occurs. Human beings need to be warned and well educated about the real dangers that we are facing at this precise moment by working together we can make it through the tough times ahead of us; otherwise, the world will be in great danger of a world war over water.
Water equals faith for the world to continue its journey of life.
War over Water,
Water reaction
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Water Cycle

Water cycle
Clean Water is Becoming Dirty
Many developing countries are facing water scarcity and many more will joined the dryness. It might seem strange to comprehend such reality when we know that water is constantly moving in a cycle for millions of years. We call it the water cycle. The quantity of water is the same now as it was before. Then why all the fuss and worries about water scarcity?
There are many reasons behind water scarcity.
Probably the number one cause for scarcity is that fresh water is getting dirty because of pollution. Next, we have the changes in the weather where catastrophic events are occurring more frequently then ever. Whenever floods and destruction from hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis occur, the water system suffers from its incident. In addition, when disasters related to weather occur, it seems that water joins in one single place by taking it away from other places leaving them waterless. Ultimately, the population is growing so the demand of food; therefore, more water is needed for the corps to grow and produce.
In conclusion, somehow the water cycle is distressed.
Water cycle,
Water reaction
Monday, November 23, 2009
Water Gone Wild
Does water have feelings? Part I
Why do hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and floods occur? Pollution? Is it really only because of pollution?
More then ever before, we are being hit by tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods of all dimensions, which is blamed by the pollution circulating our planet Earth. Nevertheless, a question remains, how can pollution alone have such effect on the weather delivering a mass destruction to our environment?
Is water trying to tell us something? Water does not talk, but that it is alive, it is. Water is the most powerful alive source in our planet. Water is the beginning of life and life itself! Water has neither a body nor a face maybe that’s why we have not paid much attention to the most important thing on the face of Earth!? Water is fragile as a fine crystal! We have been handling water carelessly as if it is an endlessly resource, besides treating it coldly and without any appreciation.
In the book “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto, you can see the different pictures of water when expose to bad and good thoughts, words, and music. The crystals of the water when frozen reveal diverse shapes of beauty and ugly. Can it be possible that this is a message from the water letting us know something is wrong? Most likely, that’s why the weather occasionally explodes as if it is a scream of pain from the water. All I know for sure water is such a mysterious life in a whole. It is painfully sad that's getting rare to find pure water.
Please fell free to comment. Let me know what you think about this topic.
Your knowledge about the subject is appreciated.
Thank you.
Masaru Emoto,
Water reaction
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Does water have feelings? Without thinking, everyone will say WATER does NOT have feelings. How can water have feelings if it doesn’t have a heart or soul?
Messages in the water? You must be thinking at this point how weird that is! However, there is plenty of explanation, investigation, real facts, and a few good mounting years of work before Dr. Emoto shared this precious information with the world.
Until a while ago, I would agree with the same negativity without any restrain of thought.
Today I see water in a different way. Water carries life! Life itself revolves around water. A few months ago, I read an interesting book “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto. More books and videos are available from this special man.

Somehow, water does have something special if it can be called feelings I don’t know for sure. When water is expose to different situations whatever happens is close to be or it is all about feelings.
The question now is why does water change when expose to angry words or angry music? Why if expose to nice words and nice calm music changes also, but in a different way from the bad? The answer is obviously, water is alive , its life itself. However, without a heart or soul it caries a powerful energy probably more potent then we think. You need to read Dr. Emoto’s books and watch the videos to understand better what I’m talking about. You will see water in a different way and comprehend the drastic changes in the water when expose too negatively and positively conditions. The effects it’s like Water Gone Wild.
Water Gone Wild? Why am I saying this? Well, why do hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and floods occur? Pollution? Is it really only because of pollution?
This will be my next topic.
Water gone wild? Part II
Please fell free to comment. Let me know what you think about this topic and the next.
Masaru Emoto,
Water reaction
Can We Save The Water
Should we be worried with the highlights of other countries about the scarcity of water? Concerned that water is no good to drink because it is polluted almost everywhere?
It seems, the ones living in developed places think that nothing wrong will come their way when talking about water.
I, on the other hand, must say that we should be worried. I know that many of you are not aware of the real situation. You might think that water won’t be a problem on your lifetime on Earth, but what about our children and the people that we love and care. And, are you sure it won’t be a problem on your lifetime?
It is sad to say what I’m about to say, but water is already a problem (scarcity and polluted) right now. Maybe the big problem of water hasn’t arrived in your country yet, however, in many countries the battle started already long time ago. Then there is the new countries facing the same problem recently.
The problem of water is like a disease, a contagious one, it will knock on every door knocking everyone down. The armor shield that you might own for problematic occasions is neither the salvation nor the solution. It is water what we are dealing with. It is life itself what we are trying to manage. Can we save the water? Can we bring back the pure water? There are so many questions to make and solutions to put into practice…
It seems, the ones living in developed places think that nothing wrong will come their way when talking about water.
I, on the other hand, must say that we should be worried. I know that many of you are not aware of the real situation. You might think that water won’t be a problem on your lifetime on Earth, but what about our children and the people that we love and care. And, are you sure it won’t be a problem on your lifetime?
It is sad to say what I’m about to say, but water is already a problem (scarcity and polluted) right now. Maybe the big problem of water hasn’t arrived in your country yet, however, in many countries the battle started already long time ago. Then there is the new countries facing the same problem recently.
The problem of water is like a disease, a contagious one, it will knock on every door knocking everyone down. The armor shield that you might own for problematic occasions is neither the salvation nor the solution. It is water what we are dealing with. It is life itself what we are trying to manage. Can we save the water? Can we bring back the pure water? There are so many questions to make and solutions to put into practice…
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